Water Refrigeration Package

Design, Manufacturing, Installation and Commissioning of Refrigeration Package is done to suit capacity and temperature condition as required in process. Required standards and specifications are considered and applied in design and manufacturing processes. All products are manufactured with best quality through AAC quality procedure and assurance manual. R-22, alternate refrigerant (R-134a, R-501, R410a), Ammonia, Propylene, Propane, and Butane can be used as the refrigerant for the unit. Pressure vessels and shell & tube heat exchanger of each package are designed according to ASME code and High Gas Safety Control Law. Heat Exchangers which are utilized in the package could be selected and delivered from the range of Shell & Tube type, Plate type and Air-cooled type. Package types are manufactured and delivered with major component as follows:
- Screw compressor
- Oil system including oil separator, oil heater, oil pumps, oil cooler and oil filters
- Condenser and Liquid receiver,
- Evaporator and suction drum
- Economizer and Sub cooler
- Oil ejector and hot gas bypass line
- refrigerant drier unit
Various accessories:
- Fully integrated mechanical and electrical solution: high integrity control systems, motor control center
- Machine monitoring system
- VFD and Soft starters
- Power, control and instrument cabling and cable routing
- Instrumentation (whole package)
- Local control panel
- F&G system
- firefighting system
- Lighting, secondary earthing and telecom system
- Interconnecting piping, Structures, Support, Pipe Rack and others auxiliaries
- Insulation: cold, hot, personal protection, fire proofing, heat tracing
- Complete skid mounted packages Process design – featuring process simulation, detailed engineering, documentation and drawings along with process guarantee and major component supply, for integration into a larger system by the client.
- Consulting services – providing expert advice on improving your plant processes, capacity upgrades and more.
- Customer interface engineering – executing detailed engineering in a close working relationship with the customer and thus integrating with overall plant process equipment at an early stage.
- Site supervision, commissioning and start up
- Oil Flooded Screw Compressor
- Oil Free Screw Compressor
- Centrifugal Compressor
- Reciprocating Compressor