About Us
Aban Air Cooler Company with more than two decades of experience, in its future multi-year perspective, relying on rich and valuable experiences, is built as one of the few top Iranian companies in the field of design, engineering, supply, construction, installation, commissioning of various industrial cooling systems and process equipment and heat exchanger in the oil, gas, petrochemical, power plant, mining and steel industries. And in order to improve domestic production capacity and increase the country’s national authority and deal with the impending water crisis, with the aim of providing customer satisfaction, we will use all our capacity and energy to produce new equipment and localization of some essential equipment.

Aban Air Cooler Company relies on years of experience, having specialized teams in the field of equipment repairs is ready to perform the following services in the field of manufacturing equipment for oil, gas, petrochemical industries, etc.:
- Performing repair services and annual overhaul of equipment
- Performing chemical and mechanical washing services
- Repairing shell and tube heat exchangers
- Repairing all types of air cooling equipment (Aircooler, Economizer, ACC, …)
- Repairing cold box and PFHE
- Repairing boilers
- Repairing of all types of stored and pressurized tanks
- Repairing plate converters